Backyard 7: Trump Derangement Syndrome w/ Chris Hoover
Chris and Jay are driving to the gun range, Jay is pretty sure he’s suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome.
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- 0m: Musical intro by Skytrekg! Click to follow him on Twitch! An amazing traditional (oil, guache, etc) artist, guitarist, and singer.
Transcript (via OpenAI Whisper):
We can talk about anything you want, cause Jay Fluntz is ignorant Welcome to Jay Fluntz’s Ignorance. This is episode Backyard 7, Trump Derangement Syndrome. If you’re not familiar, the Backyard episodes are unlike the other episodes because we’re using lav mics and the audio quality is terrible. In this episode, we’re driving the entire time, so if you hate bad audio, just skip the Backyard episodes. In the other ones, you’ll hear a lot of dog breathing, but in this one you’re going to hear a lot of road noise almost the entire time. If that bothers you, just skip this episode and look at the other ones, and I hope you enjoy. If you’d like to call in to the show, you can leave us a voicemail at 1-402-577-0117. This’ll be interesting to see how it does with the background noise, with the wind and stuff. Well, I’m interested to see if you can prove me wrong and drive at the same time without killing us both. Oh, yeah. How easy is it to prove me wrong? So, yeah, I don’t know. I’ve just been thinking a lot about… So, every day as I consume media, I’m looking at a whole array of different stuff. And there are… I’ll just call them left and right, I guess. There are left organizations and messengers who are… There’s multiple categories. There are left organizations that, it seems to me, are just clearly in it for the money. And they’re clearly in it for the engagement. And no matter what happens, you can’t get them off a message of the constant nightmare disaster that Trump is. And then I think there are some institutions that try to do a better job of not spouting any nonsense because it’s 2 p.m. on a Tuesday and they’ve got to get another edition out. When you’re under the crunch of, hey, we’ve got to put something out every day, those institutions, I think, just kind of gear up and spin up. And they lose track, I think, of what’s actually happening on the ground that’s important because that’s not their cycle. Their news cycle is everyday shitshow, right? And so they go pick out the everyday shitshow shit about who Trump’s picking today for his next presidency. And a lot of that, I don’t think, has any actual substance. So they’ll lose their minds about a Trump pick for like a week straight. And say I was fully invested in that and I spent 100 hours researching that person or whatever. And then that person gets dropped and they’re on to the next person for this exact same position, right? And now, are my seats heated? Oh, yeah, they’re automatic. Can they not be heated? Yeah, just push whatever you want. Just push the button stop. It does it automatically when the temperature falls below, like, whatever. Makes me feel like I’m pooping my pants. I hate heated seats. Sorry. Well, that’s nice to know. Heated seats, poop pants. Some cars have cooling seats. Does it really? Cool it back off. Oh, yeah. Freeze my ass. Max frozen ass. But anyways, you can turn it back off if you want. Is that my side? Like I can sit on my own side? Yeah, you can turn your own side. Oh, I didn’t need it to blow. I just needed it to stop heating. Oh, the heating, what, the seat? The seats are, I turned on your cooling seat. Yeah, okay. Oh, yeah, I can feel it. It’s a nice winter green sensation. Yeah. Sorry. What was I saying? So what I’m trying to do every day, and thank you for not killing us so far while podcasting, while driving. What I’m trying to do is find voices that are, oh, sorry. So my point was, I could have spent 100 hours researching this candidate, right? The whatever, the Trump’s gonna put this person, install this person onto the cabinet. And then the next day, the entire media hype train is about how, oh, they dropped that person. This person is even worse. You know, it’s like, Jesus Christ, right? So like, it’s a never ending cycle. Like the, I could spend my entire life just worrying about every crazy thing that anyone says Trump is thinking about doing or hinted at or whatever. But the way Trump works, I think, correct me if I’m wrong, is he just says shit constantly. He’s not a strategist. He’s not a deep thinker. He’s not a person who sits down with, you know, 120 page diagram of, you know, how the federal government figures out, okay, where are optimal pain points that we could try to optimize, blah, blah, blah, blah. None of that’s fucking happening. The guy is just like this ego driven, say everything, even conflicting with what he said 30 seconds ago. He just says everything, right? Like whatever gets the crowd riled at his campaign shit, that’s what he says, right? Because he’s just trying to guard their support. So there’s always a gap between any candidate and any elected official, how they act, right? So the truth on the ground once they’re in office and the shit that they say trying to get into office usually are two very different things. And I tend to just think of them as two different people. Because when they’re on the campaign trail, they don’t actually have to do anything. They just have to talk about doing shit, right? And so the gap between that and, okay, now they’re in office, what are they actually going to do, makes them like a whole different person. And no politician in history has ever done everything they said they were going to do because it’s not possible. It can’t be done. Like it’s not physically possible for them to do any of that. So I think to the extent that I suffer from Trump derangement syndrome, it’s that for me, the worst case scenario under Trump is so horrifically bad, short of thermonuclear war, where it doesn’t matter who’s in office, World War III, we’re all fucked. But short of thermonuclear war, whoever’s in office… Wait. I lost my train of thought. Whoever’s in office? Short of thermonuclear war? Right. That’s all I remember. I don’t remember what point I was trying to get to. I mean, it’s never going to be that bad. It’s never going to be as bad as you think it’s going to be? Well, okay, the worst case scenario in my mind under Trump is the end of democracy in America. Again, short of thermonuclear war, right? Millions of people die around the world on policy decisions, terrible policy decisions that he’s made. And millions of Americans die based on terrible policy decisions he’s made. And we don’t have elections anymore because Trump has installed enough power base that he’s dictator for life and we’re North Korea now. That’s the worst case scenario in my mind. I don’t think that’s likely. I like to think that that’s less than 50% chance that’s going to happen. I like to think that there’s only a 30% chance that we’re not going to have elections in 2028. But my Trump derangement syndrome is the things that he says and the way that he goes about saying them, and the fact that he giddily threatens to curb stomp people. If you’re just a citizen saying stupid shit, that’s one thing. And if you’re a blowhard on TV saying stupid shit because people find it entertaining, you know, fine. But when you’re actually leading people and affecting people’s lives, that’s entirely different. And the fact that more Americans voted for a carnival show barker to be actually leading the country just distresses me. That that’s who we want leading the country again, right? So for me, I saw what he did. And now we signed up. I mean, millions of us didn’t, but we signed up for another four years of that same thing. So I’m trying to calibrate my intake to understand. Yes, there’s a nonzero chance that my worst case scenario is going to happen. And there’s lots of people who for a living try to convince me every day that that is happening actively right now, right? For money. That’s their job. That’s their business model is scaring the shit out of me every day, right? To make money. And simultaneously, it’s not a zero percent chance, right? So the things that he does that are dangerous to democracy are dangerous to democracy. And so I can’t totally ignore it. But I also can’t spend my whole life in the cycle of click cycle they want me in to make money off me. Right? Yeah. So I’m trying to figure out how do I do that? How do I know if the world is ending or not? So give me your thoughts on what four years of Trump is going to look like. Well, my thoughts are that it’s going to be uneventful. I think that there’s some level of over exaggerating what he can do. I definitely don’t think he’s going to run for presidency again. Because he’s just… I think he’s pretty much too old to be elected this time around. But I don’t think people had too much of a choice with that. So in 2028, you think we’re going to have elections in 2028? Oh, yeah. And you think there’s going to be a peaceful transfer of power? Oh, yeah. I didn’t even know people were talking about that being a potential problem. So here’s the… Like, the way Trump talks and the way he’s always talked, I always look at him like he is… Well, it’s kind of like what you said. I mean, if your friend says stuff like that or whatever, it doesn’t make that much of a difference because they’re not the leader of the air-cooled free world, I guess. But that’s the way I’ve kind of always looked at him. Simply because he’s just not a career politician. So I don’t remember him ever saying he was going to curb-stomp somebody. But I did think that Biden said that he was going to… Or he wanted to take him out back and beat him up or something. Or he would have done that if it was however many years ago or something like that. And I know that pro-Trump people get stressed out about comments like that in the same way that you’re stressed out about Trump comments. And I think that to some degree… That also happened with Harris’ campaign. Every once in a while I’d hear people bring up Harris’ past and talk about things that she did. Whether she was a DA or whether she was running the first time around in the primaries. And they’d say, well, she said she wants to do this. And she said she wants to do that. It’s going to fundamentally change our country. And then if you ask those same people about Trump, the really fucked up things that Trump has said, all they do is say, well, he doesn’t mean it. Or he’s not going to be able to do that. But even in their own position, they can say the same thing about Harris. You could say, well, what’s your problem with Harris? Oh, she’s done these things, said these things. Or Biden has said these things, whatever. And you could say the same thing back to them. You could say, well, why are you worried about that? They can’t do that. You’re worried about nothing. You know what I’m saying? So both people kind of, I think, they kind of say to themselves, well, it’s not that bad, the things that they dislike anyways. And honestly, I would say that’s true about both sides, that it’s really not that bad. And to the extent that it is that bad, I would say that we’ve kind of put ourselves here. I think that we’ve slowly given the president too much power to where he has too much influence, at least more than he did in the past. So there’s that Veritasium video that I kind of, I can’t remember if I put that in Discord or not, that talked about elections and the different types of elections and how some of them benefit over others. One thing that he never talks about in there is how we’ve actually made the office of the president more important over time. And part of that is what the people that he can assign to these cabinets, you know, day zero, or at least nominate them. I think that we’ve done that to ourselves. We’ve made it to where he can do executive orders and change rules or how things are implemented. Congress, I think, needs to take some of that power back to themselves, so that way it’s not so important who we elect as president. That’s kind of what I think about that. I just don’t think the president of the United States has as much power as people think that he does have. So all the promises Trump made as candidate Trump, do you think he knows he can’t actually deliver on most of those and doesn’t care? Or do you think he thinks that he can deliver on those promises? Well, technically, I don’t know what all the promises were. So day one, he’s going to have the biggest mass deportation, militarized mass deportation ever in the history of this country. I just don’t think that’s possible. So you don’t think that’s going to happen in January? Do you think Trump’s not even going to try? Or do you think he’s going to try and the courts are going to block him? Or what do you think is going to happen? I don’t know, honestly. I’m not actually even sure when he said that. But… As a side note to that, though, I don’t know if you saw the gains that he had among Latinos in this country as far as percentage points and things that voted for him. I don’t even know where I’m going with that other than the fact that if he had such gains among them, was that part of the message that they liked? Those people that I’ve heard on my various podcasts are saying that I got here legally, so I deserve to be here. And Trump’s the one who can remove all the illegal people and stop more illegal people from coming. Those were the Hispanic voices I heard explaining why they voted for Trump. So it’s like, hey, immigration’s great. I did it legally. Make sure it has to be legal and we’re going to remove, I think it’s 3 million undocumented migrants. And it’s not impossible. One of the podcasts I listened to was the former Homeland Security czar or whatever, and he said, OK, let’s play the hypothetical. Hypothetically, I’m in charge of the Department of Homeland Security and the president’s given us this edict to remove 3 million people from America. How do you do that? Well, here’s how you do that. You bring in the National Guard, you bring in federal troops, you take over, you reactivate these prison facilities that we have, you activate other standby facilities that the National Guard has, etc. You turn all of those into basically prison camps and you start moving. And it’s going to take a lot longer than the president’s saying it’s going to take, but it can start pretty quick and it’s going to be really nasty because you’ve got families you’re going to have to break up because some of them are illegal and some of them aren’t. So you’re breaking up those families and you’re separating them and you’re whisking them off in vehicles. And then you’ve got protesters that you’ve got to deal with and all that stuff. And it’s like, yeah, you can totally do it. The machinery of the state is such that this is how you get the ball rolling. It’s going to be expensive as hell and it’s going to be messy as hell, but this is how you would go about doing that. See, and one thing that’s frustrating to me is…
So, there’s a legal term for this, and I don’t know what the legal term is, but I would classify the majority of illegal immigrants as paperwork crimes. They’re not really crimes to me. I would also like, so as long as it’s not hurting somebody else, you know what I mean? So yeah, if you have a violent criminal record and you’re here illegally, I don’t think a lot of people are going to lose a lot of sleep over removing those people from the country. Right. And that’s actually the point I was going to try to make, is that I don’t think the majority of Americans want people separated from their family for breaking a paperwork violation. If you’re part of those gang members in Denver that were taking over apartment units, I would say GTFO. And GTFO in the most violent manner, not most violent, but aggressive manner possible, I don’t think anybody would give a crap. It’s hard for me to believe that we would waste so much money, and it is part of a really broken system, I think. And to fundamentally do that is really awful to me, to just export people that have been there for a while. So we’re sitting here six weeks before transfer of power, where Trump’s day one, and Trump’s first 90 days, and Trump’s first 100 days, and the Project 2025 people wanting all that stuff that Trump may or may not decide are good ideas. And your prediction is that the Trump presidency is going to be pretty boring, because the president doesn’t have as much power as candidate Trump claims he does? Well, this is a tricky one. The immigrant one is a tricky one, because I do think the president is responsible for enforcing the laws of the country. I think immigration law is particularly fucked up. I’ve never verified this, but I’ve heard that if you were to take every segment of law and add them up, and you were to say immigration law is one of those laws, it’s like the second highest of all the little segments of laws, and it comprises several heaps and volumes of law. How do you expect people to navigate that? How do you expect people to, if you are fleeing your country, and I think we’ve even talked about this before, and you’re doing it so your children can have a better life, how can you navigate that garbage? The fact is that if he does have the authority to export these millions of people, and the only thing that we have is governors protesting it, then we need to take that power away from the president of the United States. It just simply shouldn’t be there. If Trump can do that, and he can do it by literally doing his job and enforcing the law that we have on our books, then shame on us as a country for getting into this spot. I know that that’s not the answer that you want to hear, but I feel like it shouldn’t be like that as a law. Even if Trump wanted to do that and take advantage of that law, I don’t know how we could put the blame solely on him if in fact all he’s doing is enforcing the law, which is what his responsibility is. My entire lifetime, every politician has always said that our immigration laws are totally broken and screwed up and need to be fixed. Every politician. I think if Trump can decide to deport millions of non-violent people or not, and decides he is going to do that, I think that’s wrong. I think he can be blamed for marshalling the various agencies to start that ball rolling. If it’s an executive order that does start that, he’s to blame for starting that if he does do that. But maybe he won’t do that at all. What I’m hoping is that the constant bluster, bullshit artist that Trump is, that he’ll just get in office and really not do anything. That’s the best case scenario. I think to kind of answer your original question here, I think that Trump supporters, especially like the gung-ho ones, the ones that put the signs out, because generally speaking, I think that Trump supporters are technically like Nickelback fans. A lot of them probably don’t want to admit that they are, but when the concert comes around, there’s like millions of people that show up, you know what I’m saying? I think that the majority of people look at the human side of Trump and they say, you know, he’s a kind person, and he would never do something like that. Well, I don’t think he’s a douche. He definitely has done some douchebag things, but to say that he is like a… What makes you a douche if it’s not doing douchebag things? So it’s more like the magnitude of douchebag things. It’s like, so like, so I may personally do idiotic things, but I don’t think that that means that I’m an idiot, right? As a person, like I don’t always do idiotic things. How do you, how do you generally classify someone as a negative term? Do you know what I’m saying? My point is, is that, you know, there’s all these stories of Trump helping individuals. I mean, and I’m not a really good defender of Trump because I don’t know all the details. So for example, I know some of my friends that are Trump supporters would always point out to the fact that he didn’t take hardly any money while he was in the president’s spot. Like he didn’t take his salary, like converted it to charity, stuff like that. Well, I mean, you laugh, but that, he looks like, and you know, he’s always been there for, for service members. You know, like if you look at, so to them, it’s like a comparison. If Trump was a good person because he was always there for the veterans and Biden never showed up, you know, that that’s whether, whether or not you agree or disagree with that, that’s for whatever reason, that’s what they’ve seen. And my point is, is that I think that they overlook the extreme version of what they see in that deportation stuff because they think that fundamentally he’s a good person and a good person wouldn’t do that. Right or wrong, I think that’s how they see it. I don’t know Trump all that well, so I can’t really say that I know for sure what he would do. And I will caveat that with, of the paperwork crimes, there are certain ones that people say it’s okay to enforce those paperwork crimes because it leads to other things. So let’s say, for example, Trump does not deport every single illegal immigrant, whether or not they’re good or bad people, let’s say he doesn’t do that. And then the next person that, the next illegal immigrant that kills like a blonde white girl gets arrested. They say, look, look at what you did. If you would have exported all those illegal immigrants, then this wouldn’t have happened. Right. When I talk to pro-gun control people, when they, so to me, another paperwork crime is firearm possession. Let’s say I’m a felon and I have a firearm in my house, or maybe not even that extreme. I have a gun in my house and the state requires me to register it. You come and search my house for some other reason. You see this gun sitting up in the cabinet and you think to yourself, that’s probably illegal. So then you check it and then it’s, it hasn’t been registered. And then you, you’re guilty of this misdemeanor. To me, that’s a paperwork crime. You’re not hurting anybody. There’s some people that would say, well, yeah, you deserve every single thing that you get for that paperwork crime. That needs to be enforced. I personally think that paperwork crimes are fucking garbage and, and, and they get in the way, especially illegal immigration paperwork crimes because it causes this cascading effect of ridiculous shit that people then blame on the immigrant, but it’s the law that’s the problem. So for example, if, if there was an illegal immigrant riding behind us right now and I went to stop for a fucking deer and he rear ended me, he probably would not have insurance because we’ve said illegal immigrants can’t have a driver’s license. Therefore illegal immigrants can’t get insurance for their vehicles. Therefore I got hit by an illegal immigrant without a driver’s license, without insurance because we have fucked him. We fucked him to tears. It’s not the illegal immigrant fucking me. It’s us fucking the illegal immigrant with our laws. But most people falsely make the connection that it’s that illegal immigrant here illegally that’s fucking me. It’s that’s, that is wrong and I think that that is the type of attitude that gives people the mental justification for saying export them all. And I know that it’s probably not very satisfying to hear me say that, but I think it’s the law that’s the problem. You know what I, what I hear you saying is that if you’re in this country, maybe you don’t have all the rights of citizens, but you should be able to do everything citizens can do short of, you know, whatever this, that, and the other thing, but just day to day living stuff, you should get all that. So you should have public educate, you should be able to enroll in schools, you should be able to go to driver’s ed, you should be able to get a driver’s license because if we stop you from doing those things, it makes it worse for everybody. That’s what I’m hearing you say. Yeah, exactly. So like, and that’s actually part of the things that people that want, that would even support Trump doing this. They are blaming the illegal immigrant for being here, not the law that has put them into the situation that they are. People get upset because, well, illegal immigrants come over here and they’re taking our job and they’re not paying their taxes and they’re, they’re not getting their insurances, you know what I’m saying? And to me, here’s a, here’s a funny thing. Not funny. I don’t know what the right word is. I think that Republicans especially, if they would be more accepting of immigrants that are over here in this, that situation, that those same immigrants that they are pushing away would probably be Republican because they are fleeing a country that is probably socialist to get away from socialism. And they are probably heavily religious and they would probably be on board with a lot of Republican principles that Republicans adore, right? But yet they have this fucked up attitude about it. But I don’t know why it’s not doing a defogging thing in the front. So it’s this weird… Yeah, my, my understanding is all the voter suppression stuff that the Republicans have been yammering on about, now that the statistics have changed and that they’re gaining a lot of traction, the, the voter ID laws and everything are actually now working against the Republican benefit. And so we might see a aggressive reversal of, of all those policies and all that grandstanding. I think I should have turned left right there, right? Yeah, I think so. One more chance on that black truck. After the, after this one, you’re toast. Toast. Oh, look at that 2,500 GMC right there. Damn, I actually wanted a 2,500, but I think it would have been too much. It would have been like, this truck right now is probably technically wasteful for me. I don’t need all this power and this, these options. And I probably told you this before, but when we were looking at it, I, I almost didn’t get it. And Kelly was like, why don’t you want to get it? And I’m like, well, I’m just like, I grew up a poor white boy and I feel like this is like too much for me in particular. She just, she kind of made me, she didn’t make me get it, but anyways, sometimes I still feel like it’s too much for me, but I mean, the heated seats are nice sometimes. Boo, heated seats, boo. But I also didn’t like the chilled seats. That was too much. So I turned it back off. We have three different levels of each, but anyways, it’s just off is my level, I think. But I do love the heated steering wheel sometimes in the, in like the dead of winter. Oh, really? Yeah. It’s, it, it controls its own temperature. So if it’s like really cold outside, it gets like toasty warm. It’s just like barely warm right now, but anyways, I told people that actually long before there was that trend between, you know, Latinos or whatever, possibly shifting Republican. Yeah. The problem with all these strategies is you, and I think there are, there’s a whole industry of people that do nothing but try to win elections, right? Yeah. Well, how do they try to win elections? They don’t give a shit what the issues are. They just want to find out how to fire people up. So they turn out and they vote one way or the other. So that’s all they do. They’re not principled about anything. If you can tell a lie about something to get people to vote one way, great, right? It worked. I did my job. I get my bonuses because I got elected. So there’s a whole industry of people doing that. And then there’s all the media landscape is fully divided into, tell me what you want to hear. And I’ll give you a pipeline where you can mainline that stuff 24 seven. Right? So if you can find your, media organizations find their audience and preach to the choir, that’s all they do. Not all of them, not all the time, but broadly speaking. So I’m trying not, so I, who am concerned that the worst case scenario of Trump’s rhetoric, he fucking lies all the time. And so the best case scenario for me is he doesn’t do it, but it’s dangerous. It’s a bunch of dangerous shit that he says that’s terrifying to me. And if it’s just him firing people on a TV show, who cares? It’s reality TV. It doesn’t actually hurt anybody. Almost nobody. It almost hurts nobody. Whatever. You know, I, it’s not the kind of entertainment I enjoy. What do you do? You know, whatever. Watch whatever you want. Uh, do you know where the turn is? Did I go by it? Was that it back there? That might’ve been it back there or is it up here? That was a little further down, but, uh, I thought that there was a big, oh yeah, it’s down here. Yeah. Okay. But it, it’s, it’s scary to me because it’s real and it’s real power and I don’t want somebody saying crazy shit sitting in that chair. It just, I can’t, I can’t process why people want that, you know? So I don’t think people particularly want that. There’s just some things that people are choosing to ignore.
Yeah, people only have the information that their chosen outlets give them, right? And everybody’s in a bubble of their own making. I’ve actually never had to do this, so hopefully I don’t screw this up. Yeah, I never did this. All the years I was a member here, I never did this. I thought that there was going to be competitions going on, so I wasn’t expecting to have to do this. Are you supposed to latch the doors on those poles there? Oh, I don’t know. So they don’t swing closed again? I don’t think they’ll swing closed because there’s no wind, but… Or are we locking it after you go through? I am, I’m going to… Oh, you’re going to re-lock it? Yeah. You’re going to lock us in here so the ambulances can’t get to us? Well, I would say generally speaking, I am probably very safe when it comes to guns. Like probably almost on an extreme level, but we were told to re-lock it behind us if it came up. Oh, okay. So they did say to re-lock it, but you bring up a good point. I mean, how would the ambulance get into us if in fact something did happen? I’m actually not sure to answer that. Yeah, I’ve never actually unlocked the gate before. There’s always been people here every time I’ve been here. I’ll be surprised. I don’t know. Maybe we’ll be the only ones in here. I don’t know. I don’t think I’ve ever been here this early, so… So everyone’s listening to basically exactly what they want to hear. Yeah. They sign up for whatever it is they want to hear, and that’s what they hear. I try not to do that. I probably fail. But I listen to a lot of people I disagree with, so hopefully I’m doing an okay job. I listen to shit that makes me mad. Yeah. And it’s not always the people I do agree with repeating shit that other people said. I try to listen as much as I can. I mean, it’s just fucking exhausting. It’s hard to spend a ton of my time listening to people that make me mad all the time for my own mental health, but… But generally speaking, most people don’t do that. Most people just listen to X, and not X, not the former Twitter X, but whatever, Foo. They listen to Foo, and Foo tells them what to think. And I do too. I listen to a lot of Foos that basically tell me what to think. I’m just an arbitrary placeholder for whatever it is. Right. There’s a hawk sitting up in that tree. Hi, buddy. He’s looking at you. He’s moving his head back and forth, looking at your truck. So in that media landscape, how do you ever settle on common facts? I watched this 60 Minutes documentary about January 6th, and this guy who… You know, a thousand people have been convicted so far. They’ve got another 346 cases pending. Trump promised that he was going to overturn… He was going to pardon all those patriots for their patriotism. So, you know, the Republicans win, and nothing happens anywhere in the country. The Democrats just hand over power to Trump. Okay. Well, I don’t know. We’ll see if January 6th something weird happens. But I predict nothing will. So Trump gets power again, and my concern is in 2028, if the Republicans lose. Like, the Republicans are happy with elections as long as they win them, right? But when they don’t win an election, lots of people, not all Republicans, but thousands of people show up, and lots of them violently storm the Capitol. It’s like, all right. So anyway, so now we prosecute them. Apparently 1346 of them. So there are some people here. I wonder if that’s just the range officer. Well, if he’s here, then I’m kind of surprised they wouldn’t leave the gate open. They might open it at 9 or 10 or something. Morning, sir. Actually, I didn’t think anybody was going to be out here because I had to open the gate. And I re-closed it, so… Yeah. So we actually… Do you want us to sign in? Yeah. Oh, yeah. Uh… I’ve actually never thought about this, but… So, like, let’s say we were the only people out here. And one of us got hurt. And I just re-locked the gate behind me. How would that work? Like, would… Do, like, emergency response people have the code to the gate? And I’m not saying… I do, but I don’t know. Yeah. It was just an interesting thing that was brought up. I was like, you know, I don’t know the answer to that. It’s a good question, but… I mean, it’s always a possibility out here. Well, either way, we’re glad to see you here. Yeah. Because this time of year, any membership, people that haven’t renewed, keeps them from accessing the range. And then also, this time of year, we have a lot of issues with non-members They come in, just pay their hunter sighting fee, and shoot their rifles. Oh. That doesn’t work. In all the specific days that we have the hunter sighting. It generally stays locked through October, November. Is there a sighting today? No. Is there any kind of a match or event going on, the gate will be open? Yeah. Where are you guys going to head to? Where do you want to go? Well, I thought you wanted to work on your new scope at the long range. Oh, I forgot. I was like, well, we can talk about that, but I haven’t sighted it at all. I don’t even think there’s any closer stuff at the long range. There’s not any closer things to start a sight in at the big one, is there? Well, there’s 40 and 50 yard berm, 7500. Is there anybody down there right now? I don’t hear… You got your pick of the place. You’re the first ones in this morning. Well, I wrote down the 100 yard, but I’m not even sure if that’s open or not. It’s open. It’s open. There’s no matches going on here today at all, so everything’s open. Oh, wow. Well, that’s another reason why I was kind of surprised to see the thing locked. I thought that there’d be like a pistol competition today. Well, next weekend there is. Oh, it’s over here. Did I spell your last name right? That is correct. It’s the same forward as it is backwards? It is. It’s a calendron. I did not know that until I just wrote it down. Where do you think you’re going to head to then? Oh, probably the 100 yards at first. We might swing back by over here. Did you want us to let you know if we do or do you care? No, I’ll see you on the cameras. I’ll see you on there. Yeah. People move around all day. It’s hard to tell who’s where. Yeah. So, yeah. Sorry for all the questions. This is actually my second time out here. I’d rather answer questions than have you make a mistake. What was that? Yeah. Well, thanks for your help, man. Have a good one. I was going to tell you about that too. I was trying to mount my… Did you bring targets this time if you’re trying to say? No, I didn’t. And that’s just because I was trying to mount my scope and I didn’t. My scope mounts are too short. So, I never got my scope put on my other rifle. So, I actually just left that at home. I’m going to have to stop by Cabela’s today and get some taller scope mounts. Which is really unfortunate. But I’ll probably come back out here on Friday if you want to come. Alright. Well, ending the podcast. Do you think I have Trump Derangement Syndrome? Because I do. I think I have Trump Derangement Syndrome. I think he deranges me. So, I don’t know if I would call it Trump Derangement Syndrome. Because I do, in fact, think that this is something that everybody has. Because it just depends on who you are advocating for as president. There’s like a level of hearing something that you disagree with on both sides that I think gets people worked up. And they can’t see past their own emotions and make decisions sometimes. Simply because they’re responding emotionally to something that should just be simply something they think about. You know what I’m saying? So, I’m not even saying that’s what you’re doing either. I guess what my only problem with Trump Derangement Syndrome is is that it makes it sound like people on the left are the only people that do this. Do you know what I’m saying? Do you know what I’m saying? That’s my problem with Trump. So, would I say you have Trump Derangement Syndrome? Maybe. I don’t know. I don’t really care that much to kind of really… Alright, well, I hope you’re right. I hope Trump’s presidency is not a complete disaster. And I hope we’re all alive to vote for someone else in 2028. That’d be great. Either way, we’re getting our weapons sighted in, so we’ll be ready, I guess. Nope. There’s a lot of shit that can go very wrong where our shit won’t do nothing. Alright, thanks, bye! Thanks. If you’d like to call in to the show, you can leave us a voicemail at 1-402-577-0117.