Snippets 1: Oceanic feeling w/ Sharon + Jim Hannah
Jay, Mom, and Dad talk about oneness / belonging / oceanic feeling / non-dualism while they were up visiting for Christmas. Oh, and Huey, the constant work-in-progress 100 pound dog.
snippets1.mp3 (33m 14MB)
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Musical intro by Skytrekg! Click to follow him on Twitch! An amazing traditional (oil, guache, etc) artist, guitarist, and singer.
- 1m: Science and the Reenchantment of the Cosmos: The Rise of the Integral Vision of Reality by Ervin Laszlo.
- 11m: Thích Nhất Hạnh has published over 100 titles in English, ranging from classic manuals on meditation, mindfulness and Engaged Buddhism, to poems, children’s stories, and commentaries on ancient Buddhist texts. They capture the Zen Master’s lifetime of teaching, scholarship, creativity and spiritual discovery.