35 Decentralization w/ Chris Hoover
Chris and Jay discuss a podcast episode: Your Undivided Attention: The Dark Side of Decentralization.
035.mp3 (1h 39m 44MB)
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Timestamps from this Jay Flaunts His Ignorance episode:
- 0m: Musical intro by Skytrekg! Click to follow him on Twitch! An amazing traditional (oil, guache, etc) artist, guitarist, and singer.
Jay’s notes on the Your Undivided Attention episode:
- Power to the People: How Open Technological Innovation is Arming Tomorrow’s Terrorists by Audrey Kurth Cronin.
- Is decentralization a good thing?
- “Decentralizing the capacity for catastrophic destruction.”
- 3D printing weapons.
- Crypto currencies (Bitcoin, etc.) Would stop us from sanctioning Russia when they invade Ukraine?
- Twitter vs. Mastodon.
- Nazis using platform.
- Minority instances get abused?
- 5m: Alfred Nobel, invention of dynamite. Way more stable, powerful that gunpowder.
Endowed Peace Prize partly because he felt guilty about dynamite (later used horrifically
in WWI, WWII).
- 9m: Dynamite companies begging for regulation.
- 12m: Buy drones from Amazon, network them with AIs from github. Facial recognition, weaponized.
- 13m: Bowling alley analogy:
- gutter 1: People in their basements printing bio weapons killing millions.
- gutter 2: Living in a dystopian authoritarian surveillance state.
- TikTok meme: national shoot up your school day. Millions of people see that. Either nothing happens but millions of people are scared. Or school shootings happen. Either way terrorists win.
- 18m: Mobilization is no longer solely a power of governments. For good and ill. Napolean, French Revolution, invention of conscription, invented the central power of the state. Now individuals have that power on social media.
- 19m: Christ Church shooter: inspired by the Internet, live streamed to the Internet, contagion effect of people joining him. And copycats. Increase in violence, anger.
- 28m: Forcing ALL social media companies of a certain size to set aside externalities and cleanup funds.
- 36m: The way out is to care for each other.
- 40m: Surveillance vs Sousveillance
- 41m: Media coverage of train bombings making tons of money, driving more attacks. Many great media empires were built this way. Eventually editorial standards were created because they were a part of the problem. Which helped end the wave of dynamitings. Social contagion theory. JFK killing inspired more assasinations. Best predictor of plane hijacking is a previous, highly publicized hijacking.
- 45m: Some sort of required ethics training when you have X followers. Because lots of people on TikTok etc. have more followers than major newspapers had a few years ago.